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Pectin NH for Coating

2.400 BD

Pectin NH is a powder used as a gelling agent.Ideal for glazes and coatings based on fruit pulp, as well as fillings.Powdered pectin allows you to obtain great setting results...

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Pectin NH is a powder used as a gelling agent.
Ideal for glazes and coatings based on fruit pulp, as well as fillings.
Powdered pectin allows you to obtain great setting results when used in fruit preparations that have a high water content. The result is firm, glossy and with a pleasant taste.
The jelly substance is reversible: it can be melted or set again through heating, without affecting quality.

  • Recommended dosage: Generally 0,8 to 2% according to pulp content (10 g/Kg of coating).
  • Net weight: 1kg
  • Sold by: Unit
  • Brand: Louis François

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