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Valrhona Dark chocolate 85%

7.500 BD

✨Valrhona✨Valrhona has been partner to gourmet flavor artisans since 1922, and they believe that they can imagine, together, the best of chocolate.By joining Valrhona, you become an actor in the...

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Valrhona has been partner to gourmet flavor artisans since 1922, and they believe that they can imagine, together, the best of chocolate.
By joining Valrhona, you become an actor in the responsible development of the world of chocolate and together: They imagine the best in the selection and growing of rare cocoa to promote diversity.

They imagine the best in the chocolate manufacturing process and the expansion of the flavor range with their wide variety of couverture chocolate, chocolate bonbons, decorations and gourmet chocolate.


✨Ariaga Abinoa -Valrhona Dark chocolate 85% ✨

🔺Small bag 500 g @ 5 BD
🔺Med Bag 1 kg @ 10 BD
🔺Factory Bag 3 kg @ 30 BD

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