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Italian 00 Flour

2.700 BD

✨✨ Italian 00 Flour✨✨By Molini Pizzuti - italy💡 Pizzuti Flour Costa D'Amalfi"00" Kg. 25 -Flour with excellent workability characteristics developed on the basis of the feedback of pizzaiol masters. Ideal...

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✨✨ Italian 00 Flour✨✨

By Molini Pizzuti - italy

💡 Pizzuti Flour Costa D'Amalfi"00" Kg. 25 -

Flour with excellent workability characteristics developed on the basis of the feedback of pizzaiol masters. Ideal also for leavening with the use of mother's yeast. After the baking, the dough has a golden color, a distinct foliage and an excellent development of the cornice. Digibles and taste typical of true Neapolitan pizza.

The mixture obtained with this flour needs to rise from 5 to 7 hours, at a temperature of about 25 ° C.

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