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Callebaut (Belgium) Sugar Free Milk Chocolate 33.9%, MALCHOC

6.000 BD

Description Milk chocolate with no added sugar (the sugar is replaced with maltitol), with bold, balanced and solid chocolate taste. Finished products made with this chocolate, can be promoted with...

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Milk chocolate with no added sugar (the sugar is replaced with maltitol), with bold, balanced and solid chocolate taste.

Finished products made with this chocolate, can be promoted with the label “no added sugar” if the finished recipe doesn't contain any added sugars at all: e.g. pralines, chocolate bars or tablets with fillings in which the filling doesn't contain any added sugar, or in which sucrose has been replaced with sweetener.

Sweetener: maltitol (41.6%); cocoa butter; whole milk powder; cocoa mass; emulsifier: soya lecithin; vanillin natural identical flavour ce 173.

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