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Callebaut dark 70%

3.500 BD

✨Callebaut dark 70% ✨💫Recipe N° 70-30-38Want to wow with a dark and intense chocolate? 🍫Recipe N° 70-30-38 is a dark chocolate loved by chefs and chocolatiers around the globe.It has...

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✨Callebaut dark 70% ✨

💫Recipe N° 70-30-38

Want to wow with a dark and intense chocolate? 🍫

Recipe N° 70-30-38 is a dark chocolate loved by chefs and chocolatiers around the globe.

It has an intense, yet balanced chocolate taste dominated by a solid body of roasted cocoa, powerful bitter notes and fresh, fruity hints. This makes it the ideal chocolate for boosting rich chocolate flavour in your creations.

It has a standard fluidity, making it an all-round chocolate for to serve in wide range of applications, moulding , dipping , piping , sauce , glaxe , baverages , ice cream , pastries .....

❤️ Any thing goes !

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