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1.400 BD
By : Backaldrin
By : Backaldrin   خليط الكيك الإسفنجي بالشوكولاتة من Backaldrin هو خليط جاهز عالي الجودة مخصص لإعداد كيك إسفنجي بالشوكولاتة بسهولة وكفاءة. يتميز هذا المنتج...
Instant Gentle vanilla cream, Marguerite is an instant powder for obtaining creams vanilla. A powder quality that you get a delicious cream. Usage: 350-400gr. Instant...
Luxury Waffle and Pancake Mix Luxury Waffle and Pancake Mix
1.300 BD 1.700 BD
1.300 BD 1.700 BD
Luxury Waffle and Pancake Mix by Sephra   Create golden, delicious waffles and fluffy pancakes effortlessly with Luxury Waffle and Pancake Mix by Sephra. This...